Kingston Cares
What We Do Kingston Cares is a local 501 (c) (3) non-profit that works with other community members to address poverty issues in North Kitsap. We serve our clients by engaging with the community to identify unmet needs, and then we: Shine the light on needs Educate our community on unmet needs Partner with other organizations and community members to implement / support programs that meet identified needs Other Community Involvement Cosponsor of the Annual Community Conversation Affordable Housing Cosponsor of Kitsap County Project Connect Organizations we support: Boys and Girls Club Coffee Oasis Kingston 4th of July Parade Kingston Chamber of Commerce Kingston Cares is grateful for the outpouring of support from individual community members who volunteer their time, professional expertise, and resources to sustain and grow our programs. If you would like to know more, Contact Us, Volunteer, or Donate.
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