Community Conversations is an opportunity for North Kitsap residents to engage in discussions on issues which are important to the health and resilience of our community. In the past, the topics were generated by the participants at the Community Conversation. However, in order to conduct these events virtually, the topics will be pre-selected. Participants will be able to choose from three or four topics for each event. The first event will be Saturday, January 22nd at 9 AM.
Topics under consideration have been drawn from those which have come up in previous Conversations. They include: Transportation; Growth/Growing Pains; Social Services/Food Insecurity; Affordable Housing; Business Vitality; Parks/Trails; Emergency Preparedness; Traffic/Ferries; Youth Services; Welcoming Community (Diversity/Equity/Inclusion); Cleaner/Greener/More Sustainable Community. There will also be opportunities to discuss the impact of the pandemic.
Community Conversations respect alternative views and opinions. Discussion facilitators will ensure that everyone has a chance to speak their mind and be heard. The objective of the Community Conversations is to tap our community’s creativity to identify innovative solutions and to connect people with similar interests to form coalitions that will implement those solutions.
Please register for the first of three Kingston Community Conversation events, all of which will be by Zoom.
When: Jan 22, 2022 09:00 AM – 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.